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Tips on how to choose the right Uniform for your School:

Uniforms play an important role in any organisation especially when it comes to schools. Uniforms are crucial when it comes to brand identity of the school. There are various aspects one must consider while choosing or designing the right school uniform.

  1. Fabric:

While choosing the right uniform for your school the first and the obvious step has to be choosing the right fabric. Children are at school everyday almost for 5 hours and come schools operate even for 8 hours and hence choosing a comfortable fabric is the utmost priority. Also, one must consider other factors such as the general climate of the location where the school is before choosing the fabric. If school is located where there is a warmer climate the fabric has to be breathable and soft versus if the school is in a cooler climate the fabric has to be a little thick yet comfortable. Choosing uniforms that have moisture-wicking properties is highly recommended as they absorb sweat.

  1. Stain resistant:

It is better to choose a stain proof uniform because of the obvious reasons that children tend to stain the uniforms more often. Hence, stain resistant uniforms are easier to wash and also could sustain for a longer period of time.

  1. Design of the uniform:

Uniforms come in various shapes in sizes. It is what suits the best. Before choosing the uniform one must decide what they really want. Like, there are both options available full length trousers and also shorts when it comes to boy’s uniform. And, about girls there are a variety of options too, like skirts or pina frocks paired with shirts. There are options like checks, solids, lines too which you can choose from.

  1. Pride:

Students feel pride in wearing their uniform, uniforms are what represents what their school stands for and hence it is of utmost importance to choose the style or variety of uniform that children will love to wear and also enjoy. Something that not only caters to the comfort but also the look and feel of it. 

  1. Color of the uniform:

As much as the fabric of the uniform is important the colors are of equal importance too. The colors that you choose for your uniforms decides what your school stands for. Colours like black, blue, red are generally used in school uniforms

  1. Branding:

Your school logo should be very noticeable regardless of colors, patterns, materials that you opt for your uniform. Whether you embroider or print your logo it should be intelligently placed bringing about good attention and visibility towards the logo. 

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