Necktie, or more commonly known as a tie, is one of the most crucial parts of formal clothing and in some jobs, it’s a mandatory part of the work uniform. Ties can instantly give a stylish yet sincere look to a person. Over the years, ties have evolved and transformed following the fashion trends, but their importance as an essential part of formal appearance has not reduced a bit.
The Croatian mercenaries, who came to France during the Thirty Years’ War, used to wear a piece of cloth around their necks as a part of their uniform, and that attracted the French people to use this style. Louis XIV, who was the prince back then, started using this style and it became popular among European nobilities as Cravat (Cravate in French).
Types of ties:
There are different types of ties which emerged over the years and added new styles and more options to it.
Most commonly we see Four in Hand tie, which is suitable for office and formal occasions. It can come in endless variations with different shapes, sizes and material.

Another type of tie is the Seven Fold tie, which is a variation of Four in Hand, but it has an interlining that gives it more weight.

The Skinny tie is a narrower variation which can be worn even on informal occasions apart from office, giving a suave look.

The bowtie is a great alternative to the everyday tie and is a must-have for super formal events. Many organizations like hotels, restaurants and even some schools add bow ties in their uniform.
The cravat or ascot is the predecessor of the modern-day ties. Some military uniforms use a cravat instead of a standard tie.
There are also other informal variations like Bolo tie, Neckerchiefs etc. which are used by people on different occasions.
Ties and Uniforms:
Ties are a staple of office attire, especially for professional work-driven environments. A tie-wearing polished and neat look indicates a person’s professionalism and his focus regarding his work. In the case of school uniforms, ties indicate a students association to a particular school or a house.
A well-tied tie adds something special in your look that nothing else can. Because of the cool yet classy vibe, donning a tie can set you apart from all the other people. You look confident, proficient and that demeanor speaks a lot about the work environment of your office.